Sunday, December 9, 2007

वहत wasithinkingbysayingallthethingsisaid

i have been in los angeles
left on the side of the road
left with a

knife in my heart
and a

dagger i my mouth

hachet in my hands

hammer and nail threw my feet

guitar string

threw my mouth


threw my eyes

needles in

my most sensitive parts

to be touched by human
due to the scars

due to the infection

in my

heart in my mind.

i was a caterpiller
i was a pretty cockroach
now i am a snail
i am the moth and the candle
all in one split moment
goodbye other half of my heart
goodbye all the tears
goodbye my muse
goodbye my beacon
goodbye my joker
goodbye my pendulume

what was my point
what was i trying to say
what was i looking for
what was the point of
all the blood sweat and tears
was it all for twenty dollars
was it all for more tears shed
was it all for a new scar across
my face..
was it all worth the damage done
what was the point
what happens when you wake
up out of this dark dismal dream
what happens when you remember
all the things you said
what happens when i remember all that was said
what happens when the door is forever closed
what happens when you look for me at a dark
moment and i am no longer there
how will you feel
do you feel
do you express the pauses
do you remember the facial expressions
do you remember the the dismembered
melodys dreams people conversations rumors likes clothing
i know you do sometimes
i know you dont sometimes
i know you dont care sometimes when its to late
your true
your true face
your true emotion
your true heart
you showed
cupped in your hand like broken glass
what will i do
what will i do
what will i do
i will find a way
dispite all the tradigy
dispite all the tears
dispite the lack of air
in my lungs
dispite the emotion
of the unconditional love

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