Tuesday, November 6, 2007

i guess i played this hand, and lost all my cards

i played my hand and lost all my pot
this evening all three are gone gone
gone have removed them selves
for good.........
what will be will be....
at least the truth comes out..
it turns out they did want love after
all ..i was the glutten for punishment..
wow what happens when you let
all your secrets out into the open..
they no longer are secrets and
they no longer hold me down..like shackles
around my neck ...are no longer there..
what a great freedom
i have found freedom..
i will fight on it...
eve in love...
hat all will be well..
e i will be free..
oing to cope today..

find it
buy it
smoke it
snort it
drink it

whats the point no one would front me...

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